Mountain Prayers: A Dusk Pilgrimage to Gergeti Trinity
As the Georgian sun begins to set , it casts a golden glow over the rugged peaks of the Caucasus Mountains.
It is against this miraculous backdrop, the Gergeti Trinity Church emerges like a mystical silhouette against the fiery sky.
Perched up high on the Kazbeg mountain, its ancient stones whisper tales of centuries past and those eager to listen, hear stories of the strength and resilience of the Georgian people.
We stepped in and were enveloped by the flickering lights of candles lit by faithful visitors. And we prayed with our eyes shut tight, while the outside of the church was gradually illuminated by the fading light of day.
A symphony of colors painted the landscape, the vast canvas of miracle covered with strokes of sky blue, green, mountain ashen grey and the colour of stone. We could over hear whispered prayers of love and gratitude and of hope and the awe of this magnificent church beckoning pilgrims and adventurers alike.
It was in this ethereal moment, amidst the serenity of twilight, that we couldn’t help but feel the profound connection between the heavens above and the wondrous earth below.